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Short Game

Feb 3, 2015 11:27 PM

We did described some terms earlier, but here is another term “Short game”. This term is referred to play occurring on or near the green. During the short game a player must focus on accuracy as compare to power or distance. Common shots included in the short game are chipping, pitching and the flop shot.


Chipping is a shot that intend to lift the ball into the air over a short distance. This shot should land and roll the remainder of the way toward the hole. Intense visualization is required in order to have an effective chipping shot, as it will affect the distance in which the ball will travel.

Grip: For chipping shots irons are the clubs that should be used. If a player is further away from the hole, the more lofted the iron should he/she use. The position for chipping is the same as to putting the ball. Have you arms straight; adopt an open stance with feet slightly apart, you should the majority of your weight on your leading side foot. The club should be aimed directly to the direction of the ball.

Stance and Posture: The stance for this shot requires a narrow with 6 to 8 inches separation between your feet. You don’t need a wide stance, because of the less requirement on the force behind the stoke of the chip. Stance should aim about 30 degrees to the target line. While you swing the club the stance will allow your thighs and the hips to be out of your way. Pushing hips back directly away from the ball, while bending down toward the ball will help with the chop.

Ball Position: Amateur struggle the most with the ball position in chip shot. It is important to the consistency of this shot to hit down on the ball and by having the ball behind the bottom of the pendulum of this shot will help encourage the downward blow.


It is similar to chip, which involves a short shot using less than a full swing to direct a ball in the intended direction. These shots are longer than chipping shot, and requires longer swing. This also requires intense visualization of where a player intends to land the ball. Adopting similar stance as chipping could ensure effective pitching shot. Make sure you also face your shoulder on the right direction.

Grip: Ensure you are not gripping your club too tightly as you hit the ball, since it can affect the outcome. This should follow the same path on the downswing as it did on the backswing. The left hand should be in a strong position for a pitch shot. This will help to hinge the hands abruptly after take-away.

Posture and Stance: The length of the shot is very important in pitch shot. It determines the set up of the stance. For shorter pitch, feet should be only few feet apart and for longer more aggressive swing is required. Bending from the hips will create the athletic feel need to allow for the various movements. Keeping the back straight and critical is important in order to bring the club head back to the ball more consistently, creating a balanced attack on the ball.

Ball Position: The ball position for the pitch should be different than chip. The ball should be further forward in the stance. You can only determine the loft that you will need for pitch shot from consistently practicing.

The Flop Shot

Where there is very little green and if you have to avoid certain hazards on the course, a flop shot is implemented to help. The ball will travel very high in the air and land softly on the green, providing the ability to get out of hazards. An open-faced club with the most loft is generally the most suitable for playing a flop shot. Adopt an open stance in order to effectively implement a loft shot.

Grip: Since it is important for your hand to move freely the grip for flopper should remain neutral. Neutral grip will allow for solid through the impact position, and have enough hinge and movement of the clubface while setting the club in position. it’s a must that you grip the club lightly during this shot to allow for maximum tough throughout.

Posture and Stance: While taking an extra wide stance for this shot, make sure you open during the flopper. Extra wide stance will allow for the needed stability, while opening the stance will allow you to swing freely. Your bend should be at the hips with the knee flexed slightly and the back set an angle, yet straight.

Ball Position: Positioning the ball off the left heel will allow the clubface to stay open, which will give you maximum loft of the shoot.