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« Colorado Golf Courses

Elmwood Golf Course

Address: 3900 Thatcher Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005-1151
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Elmwood Golf Course is rated one of the best conditioned city owned golf courses in the state.

Elmwood Golf Course is rated one of the best conditioned city owned golf courses in the state. Elmwood-web-photo.jpgElmwood Golf Course originated in the early 1900's and has recently undergone a two million dollar renovation and redesign.This golf course features a driving range, 2 putting greens, and a chipping green. The 18-hole course is a par-70 that plays between 5343 and 6624 yards depending on tee location.

The 9-hole Executive course is a par-30 at 2119 yards. The thousands of trees that line this course have given this course its new name (formally City Park Golf Course). Elmwood Golf Course is a full service golf course, featuring a pro shop and a restaurant.