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Common Ground Business and Golf

Jan 15, 2015 5:34 PM
You have probably heard the sayings about business and golf before. That more business deals happen on the golf course than anywhere else. While that may be a simplistic way of looking at things it is certainly true that plenty of relationships are forged on the golf course.

Just how important is golf to your business? Let us consider the facts about common ground business and golf.

We Like People Like Us

Whether it is in business or in life it is a well-known fact that we tend to gravitate towards people who are like us. We look for common ground whether it is our likes or dislikes our nationality language or anything else.

We tend to feel more comfortable dealing with people who we perceive to be similar to us probably because we find it easier to connect with them.

That is exactly why business golf is such a great asset to your business. It builds on the idea of people like us and gives you common ground to work from in your business relationships.

Building Relationships in Business

Business golf is such a popular tool for business owners not only because it provides them with instant common ground but because that common ground gives you a basis on which to build a business relationship with a client supplier or potential associate.

Essentially it is not the golf itself but the time on the course that makes all the difference. That time gives you the freedom to engage with your counterpart in a relaxed environment without the pressures of the every day reality of running a business. It allows you to get to know your counterpart on levels other than those that you would see in a business environment.

In short one game of golf is unlikely to be the catalyst that will make or break your company but a regular date with a supplier client or associate will allow you to make the most of the relationship building potential of business golf.

Sales and Emotion

The true value of business golf becomes clearer when you realise that in any business in any industry sales is very much about emotional decisions. Read any of the biggest names in sales and marketing and they will say the same thing. Speak to any advertising agency and they will tell you that getting your client to make an emotional decision about your company or your product is the first step in a successful campaign.

Spending time on the golf course is one way to make that emotional connection with key people and once that connection is made its how you leverage it that really determines how successful business golf will be for your business.

The good news is that if you really do love the game of golf all those old sayings are true. Time spent on the course definitely can be great for your business and it should be seen as a valuable tool in your marketing networking and sales arsenal. Plus you get to play golf! That is what I call a win win situation.