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Perfecting Your Swing

Feb 3, 2015 11:28 PM

Everybody knows that practice makes perfect, and golf is not an exception to this rule. A lot of practice is needed in order to attain the perfect swing for Golf. A lot of time and effort must be put in order to perfect the elements of the swing.

Some of the tips that are helpful for practicing and maintaining the perfect swing:

  1. Practice your grip without a club. Perfect swing is a key to playing a good game, but perfect swing requires a lot of time and effort dedicated for.
  2. Get into the swing position while holding a ball with your arms extended. Swing your arms back as you are about to throw the ball over your right shoulder. This way you will become familiar with the correct rotation of the body, that is required for perfect swing.
  3. Practice holding the club with the correct grip.

The Drive: Avoid Developing Annoying Habits

There is couple of common faults associated with driving in golf: slicing, hooking, shaking and the push and pull.

Slicing: We mentioned slicing in the terminology section, slicing will cause a ball to travel in the opposite direction than in the one in which it was intended.

In order to get rid of “over slicing” we need to stand in our normal position, with our body straighter than usual and to adopt a square stance. Take the swing, and you will notice how the ball swings into line with the target, as it gets closer. Keep practicing this shot.

Hooking: A hook has opposite effect of a slice; hook causes the ball to travel from right to left for a right handed and vice versa for a left handed player. We can minimize the effects of an unwanted hook if we take normal position and a square stance, and make sure that shoulders remain square with the leading the leading shoulder and hip slightly higher than the trailing shoulder and hip. Move the ball forward and take the swing, you will notice that line of flight and your shafts are parallel to one another.

Maximizing the use of your upper body will help address the unwanted hook even more. In order to do that we need to stand in your normal position, but this time your body needs to be directly facing the target. Twist your body to the side of the trailing hand and place the head of the club right behind the ball. Hit the ball and let your body turn as you are taking the stroke.

Shanking: Shanking will occur when the ball connects with the curved area where the club head is connected to the shaft. This results in curving to the right for a right-handed player and vice versa for the left handed player.

We can avoid shanking if we make sure that weight distribution is concentrated on your heels, and that leading side shoulder remains over the trailing side knee during the swing. Also, it seems that many problems with shanking are caused by indecision and fear - the longer you stand over the golf ball, the more likely you will shank. One needs to find a balance between taking a too much and too little time to hit. Too much time generally leads to shanking while hitting it too early breaks the rhythm and affects precision and power.

The Push and Pull: The Push and Pull is usually caused by insufficient rotation of the upper body during the downswing, which causes the arms to stretch out too far. Starting in your normal position, then positioning yourself slightly wider to allow for more space to swing, and adopting an open stance will adjust yourself for push and pull shot. Practice these shots and notice the swing with which you hit the ball.

Proceed to adapt to your normal position and repeat this swing. Make sure arms are further to the left during your downswing and keep practicing this swing because it will take time to adjust to.