Following NGCOA best practices, GolfSmash features an easy-to-use tee sheet, integrated online booking engine, a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) system and powerful point-of-sale engine. It's time to take back control of your tee times!
Multi-Course Management
Have multiple golf courses? No problem, manage them all from one spot with our Insight functionality. Check and book tee times at your other courses all from a single dashboard!
Data Security
Rely on the power of the cloud, with data backups and system integrity offering up times far greater then your own personal servers, all without the costs!
Smart Marketing
Tee Time Booking also captures important data about your customer which you can use to be a more effective marketer. We allow you to be Social with your golfers unlike any platform before!
Online Sales
Tee Time Booking allows you to sell your products directly on your website. The fully integrated booking engine does it all while being fully connected and integrated.