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Golf Instruction [Anyagolf]

Golf instruction refers to teaching the game of golf. Golf instructors require both technical and physical ability to teach golf, and are typically best performed by recognized golf instructors certified by relevant bodies such as the professional golf association in the United States. Golf instructors typically use a combination of physical conditioning, driving range instruction, videotaped swing analysis, and on-course play to teach. Golfers begin to learn by learning the fundamentals of the swing and the different aspects of the various shots required to play golf. GolfSmash's instruction page is one of the first golf websites to provide golfers with real-time lessons from real golf instructors around the world. GolfSmash's certified golf instructors will post their daily tips, comment on questions, analyze golf swings, and communicate directly with golfers who have questions. Golfers can also follow their favorite golf instructors and will be automatically notified when the instructors they are following post new tips. GolfSmash's golf instructors will be ranked throughout the world based on the interaction golfers have with them, number of followers, and the number of posts on GolfSmash.
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Golf Instructors

Brad Smith, PGA
Students 6 | Posts 10
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Students 2 | Posts 10
+ follow
Students 2 | Posts 4
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Matt Martin
Students 2 | Posts 0
+ follow
Students 1 | Posts 0
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Students 1 | Posts 0
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