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​Improve your Chipping (Part Three)

Aug 20, 2014 1:06 PM
Drills to Help Improve Your Chipping

1. Hit shots in practice like the ones that will resemble those during a round. Give yourself bad, good, side and buried lies. If you miss a chip shot, leave the ball where it lies and hit it again.

2. Try to hit all your practice chip shots within a specific diameter around the hole. For example, tour players will focus on hitting each ball within a 3 foot circle around the hole.

3. Pick a target and try to hit shots that are close to it. You can get your feel developed by working on the distance of each shot. Hit 10-20 shots in a row to get the feel.

4. Hitting it out of the rough, with a hinge and hold method taught by Phll Mickelson is a great way to hit lob shots, where you don’t have any green to work with. Put your weight forward and allow the ball to pop out and land soft. See his video here: http://youtu.be/AaZ-Ka-AQGc

5. For consistency and distance control, concentrate on where you want the ball to land, NOT where the ball will finish rolling. Pick a spot and focus on hitting it there. Place a towel or a couple tees where you want the ball to land, and practice landing it in that zone.

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