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« Florida Golf Courses

Trump National Doral Golf Club

Address: 4400 NW 87th Ave, Miami, FL 33178-2101
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Course Condition:
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out of 5.0
Filter: Unverified
Date Played: Dec 26, 2013
Date Reviewed: May 24, 2014
Course Condition:
Staff friendliness:
Overall Rating
Comments: Played this course yesterday. $145 Hot Deal. There is no rough on this course. Instead, they use ground up coquina shells that serve as both the cart paths and the "rough." Didn't like that at all. It's hard to judge how to hit a shot out of it, as you won't find anything like that on another south Florida course. Maybe they intended that to make this course different, but I just found it annoying. Also made me feel like I'd mess up my clubs, as you're essentially hitting out of tiny rocks. Anyway, my other main gripe was the greens. They had been recently sanded so judging your putts was impossible. There is a TON of water that comes into play, so bring some extra balls. Since this is an expensive course, you'd think only decent golfers that knew how to play and had courtesy would play, right? WRONG! We got stuck behind this idiot foursome that spent the whole round searching for golf balls in the rocks that lined the water! We complained to the ranger, but to no avail. All he did was look on his sheet and claim that everyone was on pace according to his sheet, despite the cart saying that we were ten minutes behind pace. When we told him that, he didn't really say anything except suggest that we skip a hole, finish 18, and then come back to that hole. Awful idea and awful ranger work. Very disappointed. I spent my Golf Channel Player's Pack coupon code on this Hot Deal, and I really feel like it was a waste. For the money you spend to play here, you'd expect a decent pace of play and unsandy greens. I got neither of those things. Would not play here again, even if I hit the lotto and could afford it. The only positive was how nice the guy who gives you your golf cart was. Super friendly and super informative. Otherwise, disappointing course. Save your money.
Date Played: Mar 15, 2014
Date Reviewed: Jun 2, 2014
Course Condition:
Staff friendliness:
Overall Rating
Comments: Gold Course - Not worth the money. Course was not in great condition for one with Trumps name on it. My assumption is that this is the next on his list for a refacing there. If so, I will give it another shot when he does.