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Golf Instruction [OfficialGolfSmash]

Golf instruction refers to teaching the game of golf. Golf instructors require both technical and physical ability to teach golf, and are typically best performed by recognized golf instructors certified by relevant bodies such as the professional golf association in the United States. Golf instructors typically use a combination of physical conditioning, driving range instruction, videotaped swing analysis, and on-course play to teach. Golfers begin to learn by learning the fundamentals of the swing and the different aspects of the various shots required to play golf. GolfSmash's instruction page is one of the first golf websites to provide golfers with real-time lessons from real golf instructors around the world. GolfSmash's certified golf instructors will post their daily tips, comment on questions, analyze golf swings, and communicate directly with golfers who have questions. Golfers can also follow their favorite golf instructors and will be automatically notified when the instructors they are following post new tips. GolfSmash's golf instructors will be ranked throughout the world based on the interaction golfers have with them, number of followers, and the number of posts on GolfSmash.
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(Students 13)
Apr 3, 2014 2:20 PM Full Swing | All Levels
I can’t count the amount of times I’ve taught someone, especially beginners and they bend their left arm in the backswing. This is the most common mistake I see people make in their golf swing and should be the #1 thing focused on because it is the beginning and end of your golf swing. When a player keeps their left arm straight, they are allowing the club to swing on it’s natural plane. This will help the right hand golfer and of course, if you are a lefty- the opposite goes for you!
(Students 13)
Apr 21, 2014 1:52 PM Putting | Beginner
The putting triangle Putting can be tedious and many people struggle because it can get quite boring standing on a green putting for hours on end. The most important part of the game is played around the greens, especially putting. The short game is crucial to spend time on because under any type of pressure, the flaws will show themselves the most around the green. First thing's first. Get a proper set up. The putting stance is important because it sets a base for your arms to swing back and forth like a pendulam. Take your stance with putting both of your feet shoulder width apart. Next, bend at the waist, keeping your back straight. Like seen in the first picture. A great way to think of your arms, is they are like the “arms of a clock.” The arms of a clock to get from one point to another, do NOT break down. Hence, the thought of keeping the triangle in between your arms and shoulders, as seen in the second picture. The triangle is critical to the motion of your putting stroke and allowing you to keep the putter on line, back and forth. The breaking down of your wrists will cause you to flip the putter head through causing inconsistencies and the potential dreaded 3 putt. To lower your putting score, focus on a pendulum swing and keep your triangle.
(Students 13)
Apr 24, 2014 12:40 PM Full Swing | Beginner
The Pre- Shot Routine is a very important part of your golf game. It is the strike of the match; so to speak, in regards to the way you begin your approach to your golf shot. The pre- shot routine is a great way to calm the nerves and take away some of the thinking that goes into your shot. The reasoning behind this is that you are able to go into autopilot because you do the exact same thing every time you step up to the ball, no matter what the shot. In reaction sports, a pre shot routine is unnecessary but in golf, it is crucial. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to eliminate the nerves, anxiety, and doubt that so often creeps in when stepping up to hit a golf shot. A pre- shot routine allow the body to take control and the mind to take a rest. In golf, the more you can ease the mind, the better you will play! Keep in mind, you can create any routine that makes you the most comfortable, just make sure it is repeated every time. An example of a pre- shot routine from start to finish would go something like this: This is an example if you are standing on the tee box with your driver, and the same goes for any other shot. Tee up your ball. Once you have chosen a good spot for your tee shot, step back behind the ball and look toward to hole/fairway. Choose the line or area you would like to hit your golf shot. Next, take a practice swing or two, visualizing and feeling the same thing you’d like to do with your actual swing. Walk into your shot and set the club down by the ball, take your stance and tilt your head in the direction of the area you’ve chosen. Last step, is pulling the trigger- hit your shot toward the chosen area and your good to go! Doing this pre shot routine or one similar will help you lower your scores and allow you to focus on other parts of your game. It allows the body to go on autopilot and makes the game simpler and fun!
(Students 13)
May 6, 2014 2:11 PM Putting | Beginner
Whether you're a beginner or professional, keeping solid and stiff wrists is a must to have in your putting stroke. There is something to be said about keeping your arms and wrists connected in one solid line in order to keep the putting stroke consistent and moving like a pendulem. The putting stoke can be thought of as a clock arm, and when it moves back and forth, that is the ticking. The arm on a clock would not break down to reach the next number and the same can be said about the putting stroke! If you break your wrists down, you will have a lack of control and you will have more problems on the greens than neccessary. The left hand on your putter will be the leader and is in accordance with the putter face. Wherever your left hand goes, the putter face will follow. You must learn to control your wrists seperately and together in order to learn how to keep the putter stroke smooth and consistent. Next time you are out on the golf course putting, remember to keep your wrists moving as a team in harmony with the putter blade. The results will prove to be more consistent than being slappy with your hands in the putting stroke.
(Students 13)
May 8, 2014 6:27 PM Full Swing | Beginner
This is one of the greatest golf instructional books of all time that gives insight into the mind and teachings of the golf swing from Ben Hogan. This golf legend shares his ideas of the golf swing and gives instruction on how to build your swing from the ground, up. This was the first book I read and found great inspiration with it. It's easy to understand and gives a complete guideline on developing a strong foundation. Ben Hogan believed n simplicity and that every player could build a foundation and improve. Golf is a game of opposites, so the theory that Hogan explains is that of reversal. He stated, “"Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing.” Anyone who can sum the golf swing up in 5 steps, must know a little something about golf. Ben Hogan was a genius of the golf game, so this book is a perfect read for the beginner, amateur, and professional. Sometimes simplifying things can make progress move quicker. To learn more: http://www.benhogans5lessons.com/
(Students 13)
May 14, 2014 7:32 PM Full Swing | Beginner
If you're a female golfer and trying to figure out why you hit is so short, and ways to create more power- then this is the instructional for you! Five tips to help you drive more power in your swing: 1. Allow room for your arms to hang down naturally in your set up. When you do this, you will allow for a free swing and the power will be able to create momentum. You want to have at least a hand's distance in between your belly and the butt of the grip. 2. Rotate don't Sway! When you are set up to hit your golf shot, be sure to stay still over the ball and rotate around your spine. A tip to help get the feeling of this, is by standing up against the wall with your butt touching it. Bend over like you're going to take your back swing and feel the resistance in comparison of your upper and lower body. Make sense? 3. Swing through the ball, not at it. So many times, I've seen players try to make the club hit the ball. The beautiful thing about the golf club and the swing, is that if you just swing it back and through, most likely, the club will do all of the work for you. Instead of hitting at the ball, keep your head down and think about smoothly swinging through the ball. Easy! 4. It's ok to take a divot! In golf, it's the best to sweep the ball instead of chunking it and gouging the turf. However, when hitting iron shots, it's ok to take a divot because you are compressing the ball and giving it more of an opportunity to go further. It's definitely better to hit it thin (sweep) than to chunk it (dig), but you'll be happy with the shot once you've hit that delicious divot! 5. Save the chicken wings for dinner! Have you ever seen someone hit a golf shot and their right arm (for left-handed players) is flying out in the back swing? Does it look like they may take off and fly away? Chances are they have the "chicken wing" going on in their swing! To avoid this, feel like you are keeping your armpit closed. If you think about keeping the swing tight in the backswing, you will start to see your shots get more consistent too. -
(Students 13)
May 22, 2014 9:34 PM Full Swing | Beginner
Don’t try to hit the ball as hard as you can If you arms tighten, the club will buckle and you will use an all arm swing, causing the ball the be erratic and uncontrolable. Don’t get stuck on your back foot Allow the club to get to impact with the ball and put your energy going forward. If you fall back wards, the club head will thrust through-again, having your arms and hands slap through for uncontrollable golf shot. Return the golf club to where you begin the swing Swing easy and allow your body and arms to do all of the work. Take some practice swings about 50% of your actual swing. This will give you time to feel your swing. Fell the weight load and unload When you take the club back, allow the weigh to load on your backswing side. On the follow through, let the energy unload to the forward leg. Don’t hang back. Swing easy Allow the club to stretch out so you don’t feel stuck. This will allow the club to swing on the correct plane and create freedom and momentum in your swing.
(Students 13)
May 22, 2014 9:49 PM Full Swing | Beginner
To increase distance and accuracy of your drives, follow these simple steps: 1. Have repetitive and solid set up. 2. Aim your shoulders, feet, and hips toward your target- all in line with eachother. 3. Tilt your shoulders to the right and relax your muscles. 4. Rotate your body back completely. 5. Keep your arms far away from your body and keep your shoulders parallel to your target. 6. DON'T START YOUR BACKSWING TOO SOON from your backswing. 7. Be patient in your transition to your forward swing 8. Hold your finish and remain balanced. *If you develop a good shot routine and triggers to keep you focused on the basics, there is no doubt that you will start hitting better drives. Good luck and Drive on!
(Students 13)
May 27, 2014 3:08 PM Short Game | All Levels
Understand that the club will do most of the work, as long as you have the correct set up. This is key to consistent and solid chipping in golf. Creating a thought process before your chip shots will also help build confidence around the green. Here are some fundamentals of chip shots! Technique The ball position should be back in your stance (off your back foot). The feet are closer together and the weight is on your forward foot. NO WRIST ACTION! Keep your hands and wrists working together, minimally breaking your wrists. Rotate with your upper body, leaving your lower body a bit still. Keep your leading wrist flat toward your target, and DO NOT let your wrists break down in the through swing. The distance from the hole is the determining factor for which club you chip with. You are free to chip with any club in your bag. The rule of thumb is, the more green you have to work with, hit a higher club. For example, a flop shot will require a 60 degree wedge and a bump/run shot may allow for an 8 iron. Feel your chips shots out the same way you would a full swing! More tips to follow on this topic!
(Students 13)
May 28, 2014 10:51 AM Full Swing | All Levels
Have you ever sliced the ball so bad, you want to walk off the tee box or just go home all together? The slice seems to be the most popular miss I’ve seen in golf, especially for beginners. A slice is a golf shot that goes far right because you have a swing flaw that keeps the face of the club wide open. I will describe this in further details below and give you a couple things to work on that may help. The Slice- When the ball curves to the right. The Cause- When the clubface is facing right in relation to the path of the golf swing. You’re swing line can also be redirected to the left with the face open. They are working against each other, creating a missed golf shot. Sometimes, the ball can be too forward in your stance. Make sure it’s in the center. Also, the grip must be working together as a team, the hands facing each other pointing toward the right shoulder. The Effect- A missed golf shot and uncomfortable swing path. The ball has little to no chance once it’s been sliced. If you can control this type of shot, you’re golden! The Cure- Release the club and allow the club to turn over through your swing. You are NOT swinging a baseball bat, so allowing the club to release. If you do this correctly, it allows the clubface to rotate and the ball will follow. Drills are a great way to reinforce this action into your swing. Stand with your feet together and take half swings at 50% of your usual swing speed. Over emphasize the rotation and release the club. Do this 5 times then hit one full regular shot. Then repeat. I think this is a great way to create the straight shots you want to shoot lower scores and feel more confident.
(Students 13)
May 28, 2014 11:21 AM Miscellaneous | Beginner
Gripping the club correctly is crucial to hitting good golf shots. Where your hands are, will directly affect the clubface. If you are a right-handed golfer the following applies to you, Lefties do the opposite hands. 1. Grip the club with the 3 lower fingers of your left hand, then close your hand with the meaty part of your palm on the grip. Place the left thumb down the grip. You should see TWO knuckles on your left hand. 2. Put your right hand on and form a ‘V’ with your thumb and pointer finger. Wrap your middle 3 fingers on the grip-à For an OVERLAPPING grip; place your right pinky finger over the left pointer and middle finger. *see picture. 3. Grip pressure should be very light as it would be if you were holding a baby bird. If you squeeze the grip too much, you will kill the bird aka your golf shot. 4. Don’t hold the club across the palm- Hold the club with your fingers. 5. Practice makes perfect practice. I’ve been playing golf for a long time and I will say that my grip would change once in a while. I would have to continue working on it to make it consistently the same. The grip is the most important part of the beginning of your swing and should be studied in order to create a solid foundation. Grip it and rip it!
(Students 13)
Jun 4, 2014 3:29 PM Full Swing | Beginner
Fat shot: When the club hits the ground before you hit the golf ball. Reasons why player could hit fat shots: 1. Ball too forward in your stance. 2. Leaving your weight on the back foot and not swinging toward your leading leg. Ways to address the problemo! 1. Take practice swings to where you are brushing the grass. Taking smooth divots will allow you to feel the tempo. 2. Keep your shoulders level and don’t drop at impact. 3. Hit 3 practice swings and one golf ball. Repeat. If you are chunking your chip shots, the leading edge is reaching the ground at too steep of an angle. Try keeping your hands low in the take- away and follow through.

Golf Instructors

Brad Smith, PGA
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